We understand the Struggles of Practice and how to overcome them.

3 Minutes is all you need

This short Practice Health Check gives us an idea of how strong you are in each of the Five Pillars that every successful practice needs. It's been designed to show Practitioners, Clinic owners or Managers their strengths and weakness and provide instant results and actionable steps on how to improve.

Results will be emailed on completion

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The Five Pillars that every successful practice is built on


Without solid foundations you can't build. Unfortunately, most practitioners have incredibly weak foundations.

It's not your fault! This doesn't get taught in College.


Once you have the basics mastered, the next stage is to embed and refine your systems.

Being "Good" can be the enemy of being "Great". We don't just want you to be "good enough".


When you and your practice are "In the Zone" or "in Flow", everything becomes easier.

Practice stops being a drain, instead it provides energy, focus and enjoyment.


Let's agree that this is the best profession in the world!

But it has its challenges...
We believe that not only should practice be ethical, professional and rewarding... It should also be FUN.


In any relationship there has to be fair exchange. The same is true of the doctor patient relationship.

Unfortunately, most practitioners massively undervalue themselves and the benefit they deliver.

Ensuring you are properly rewarded is a key factor in longevity and enjoyment.

This sounds good but...?

You can be sure our advice is:


We've found that one of the biggest concerns practitioners have is that we will ask you to do something unethical. Nothing could be further from the truth.

By design all of our systems are there to ensure your practice is professional, ethical and compliant.


No matter where you are in your practice journey, we've been there or we've helped someone through it.

We've found that practice can be a lonely path. Very few understand the challenges and decisions we face, especially when wanting to grow.


Let's be honest:
What got you here won’t get you there!

Yes we will challenge you... Like we have been challenged in the past.

Just remember that most of the things you worry about never come to pass, but if they do, you come out stronger having faced them.

Why choose Practice by Design?

Why would you not want a practice that is designed to meet your needs?

With decades in the industry and having built some of the busiest practices in the UK. We have the experience and real world skills to help you succeed.

We've broken down our successes into five key areas. Each level of skills builds on the next so that you have every step in place to guarantee success. Our systems are created and refined for the UK market and regulatory system. Whether you're a Solo practitioner seeing a few patients a day, or a multidisciplinary practice with many staff members we can help you.

With a strong emphasis on systems and procedures, we know how to bring the best out of you and your team, if you have one.

Don’t just take our word for it, see what others have to say

Donna Chisholm

UK Chiropractor

Stuart and Alan’s 6 part Chiropractic Business Course has totally re-focused my thinking about Chiropractic care and running an efficient business.
It’s easy to implement small changes immediately and see positive change in clinic within a day.
The guys are super-encouraging, there’s plenty feedback at any time, and I’d highly recommend this course to any practising Chiropractor, or graduate about to set up on their own.
Great value, and great motivation - thank you both!

Colin Rance

UK Chiropractor

Having gotten to a state I’d describe as carer-fatigue I knew that I needed help to get back in control of my business and had been looking for help for some time.

With Stuart and Alan’s guidance I have started to move again. Simple, little things so far, but the course has left me with a plethora of ideas and whilst I know it will take time to get to where I want at least I now have direction, momentum is building and my enthusiasm for the profession has returned!

Sarah Banham

UK Chiropractor

I realised after restarting working after the first lockdown, I had got into some bad habits with my patient management systems - essentially they had fallen apart.

I have now been on four calls with Alan and Stuart - made lots of notes and am planning to implement some major changes. In the past I have held myself back - and now is the time to carve out some time to work on my practices, me, my mindset and my future practice and myself. Really enjoyed the content and the help with a mindset shift.

Thank you S & A.

Summit Dhall

Oz  Chiropractor

I had the privilege of working with Alan when he joined the practice I was in. Wow, this man is amazing. In his first staff meeting he outlined his plan for the practice and then he made that plan happen. I have personally seen him grow from nothing to eighty patient visits a week in just a few weeks, I know he walks his talk.

More importantly for me, he took me under his wing. I am super keen to learn as I’ve only been out in practice for 3 years. I paid tens of thousands of dollars to another coaching company that didn’t grow me at all, it felt like they were just after my money.

Working just six months with Alan I have doubled my income as an associate!

Meet The Mentors

We know it can be intimidating starting a new venture. Especially when it come to practice improvement. We'll help you grow yourself and your practice.

Alan  Scott


I'm possibly one of the busiest UK Chiro's you've never heard of.
Since graduating 1993 I have built and rebuilt my practice many times. I not only survived the last two recessions I've grown each time.

From being a single practitioner seeing over 300 visits a week, to a multidisciplinary practice with Chiro, Osteo, Physio and massage all under one roof. It feels like I've practiced in every model out there.

Seven years ago, I sold my practice to semi-retire to the beautiful Gold Coast in Australia. I Now work two days a week with around 140 visits in those two days.

I've been coaching a select number of Chiropractors for last 14 years. The only reason I’m doing this now Is that Stuart has asked me to reach out to profession to offer my help.

I like to help practitioners create well run clinics with low overhead, low stress and high profits!

Alan Scott

Stuart  Rudd


A life time ago I was a quality engineer at Honda and heavily involved with the implementation of quality systems. My calling was to become a chiropractor so I retrained at the McTimoney College and graduated in 2007.

It was soon apparent that the queues of patients that I was guaranteed by my tutors was a figment of their imagination. What to do? Well, I utilised 20 years of business and engineering experience to build a practice that would become the UKs busiest McTimoney Chiropractic clinic.

How did I start this journey, with not being scared of making mistakes and by knowing that finding the right mentor was required to catapult me past all the major hurdles. Guess who my mentor was?

Stuart Rudd

This quick Health Check gives us an idea of how strong you are in each of the five pillars that every successful practice needs.
It's been designed to show Practitioners, Clinic owners or Managers their weak spots and provide instant, actionable steps on how to improve

  • It takes just 3 minutes
  • It’s completely free
  • Receive customised results instantly
  • Having a Practice by Design is awesome

How can we Help?