We understand the Struggles of Practice and how to overcome them.
Meet The Mentors
We know it can be intimidating starting a new venture. Especially when it come to practice improvement. We'll help you grow yourself and your practice.
Alan Scott
I'm possibly one of the busiest UK Chiro's you've never heard of.
Since graduating 1993 I have built and rebuilt my practice many times. I not only survived the last two recessions I've grown each time.
From being a single practitioner seeing over 300 visits a week, to a multidisciplinary practice with Chiro, Osteo, Physio and massage all under one roof. It feels like I've practiced in every model out there.
Seven years ago, I sold my practice to semi-retire to the beautiful Gold Coast in Australia. I Now work two days a week with around 140 visits in those two days.
I've been coaching a select number of Chiropractors for last 14 years. The only reason I’m doing this now Is that Stuart has asked me to reach out to profession to offer my help.
I like to help practitioners create well run clinics with low overhead, low stress and high profits!
Alan Scott
Stuart Rudd
A life time ago I was a quality engineer at Honda and heavily involved with the implementation of quality systems. My calling was to become a chiropractor so I retrained at the McTimoney College and graduated in 2007.
It was soon apparent that the queues of patients that I was guaranteed by my tutors was a figment of their imagination. What to do? Well, I utilised 20 years of business and engineering experience to build a practice that would become the UKs busiest McTimoney Chiropractic clinic.
How did I start this journey, with not being scared of making mistakes and by knowing that finding the right mentor was required to catapult me past all the major hurdles. Guess who my mentor was?
Stuart Rudd
This quick Health Check gives us an idea of how strong you are in each of the five pillars that every successful practice needs.
It's been designed to show Practitioners, Clinic owners or Managers their weak spots and provide instant, actionable steps on how to improve
How can we Help?