Free Webinar:

How to raise your fees without fear or guilt

Dr. Alan Scott

Dr. Stuart Rudd

When was the last time you put your fees up without over thinking it?

The bitter truth is every business puts up their prices without apologising, apart from us!

The last time petrol prices went up did BP send out an email and put up posters in their stations explaining themselves? No they did not! And we wouldn’t expect them to either. So why is our profession so different?

If you can answer yes to the following then this webinar is a must for you.

  • Has your rent or mortgage gone up?
  • Have your energy prices gone up?
  • Have staff costs gone up?
  • Have your profits gone down?
  • Have you put your prices up in the last 6 months to reflect the increase costs and not apologised for it?

You know deep down that you need to put your fees up but something is stopping you.

There are many worries about putting your fees up because…….it causes confrontation? Or you’ll lose clients or patients or you just don’t know how much to put them up by or when?

Again this free webinar is for you, we have it all covered. We will show you how you can put your fees up without loosing a single patient.

Don't forget the stuff you need just to run your practice successfully.
If you don't know the right way to put your fees up then your future is uncertain!

When was the last time you put your fees up without over thinking it?

The bitter truth is every business puts up their prices without apologising apart from us!

The last time petrol prices went up did BP send out an email and put up posters in their stations explaining themselves? No they did not! And we wouldn’t expect them to either. So why is our profession so different?

If you can answer yes to the following then this webinar is a must for you.

  • Has your rent or mortgage gone up?
  • Have your energy prices gone up?
  • Have staff costs gone up?
  • Have your profits gone down?
  • Have you put your prices up in the last 6 months to reflect the increase costs and not apologised for it?

You know deep down that you need to put your fees up but something is stopping you.

Is it you are worried about putting your fees up because…….it causes confrontation? Or you’ll lose clients or patients or you just don’t know how much to put them up by or when?

Again this free webinar is for you, we have it all covered. We will show you how you can put your fees up without loosing a single patient.

Forget the stuff you need just to run your practice successfully.
If you don't know the right way to put your fees up then your future is uncertain

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Thursday 28th December 8PM (GMT)


You missed out!

Space is on first come first served basis - These is a maximum of 250 attendees

In This Webinar,
You'll Learn:

  • The Real Reason(s) you struggle to put your prices up.
  • Why it's absolutely necessary to put you fees up.
  • When to raise your fees.
  • How to put them up so you don't lose clients.
  • How much you should raise your fees.
  • We'll even give the formula to increase your price to maximise  it's benefit.
  • As a bonus we'll show you how not to raise your fees.

Here's how it happened:   COVID -> Inflation -> Interest rate rise -> Cost of Living squeeze -> Practitioner Stress & Anxiety 

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